Cleansing the Body

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The importance of flow

The lymphatic network—a network of vessels and organs—lies under your skin. It’s a crucial part of the immune system and works kind of like a sanitation system for the body by removing normally occuring waste or invasive toxins. When these pathways are blocked, all of the body’s natural processes suffer.

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A traditional technique…

However, there is no pump to push the lymph so it relies on our muscle action to maintain fluid movement. When physical activity is limited, manual lymphatic drainage is needed which works by gently moving the lymph to the lymph nodes to eliminate the toxins and bacteria. Lymphatic massage was created in Europe and has been practiced for nearly a century.


Now performed with cutting edge technology

Pagani created STAR Lymphactive to be the most advanced Pressotherapy device in the market. The upper and lower body suits provide a gentle yet effective massage with individual chambers targeting problem areas to improve pressure and facilitate proper flow.


“Once the body is in tune, the mind and spirit follow.”

— Lao Tzu

How we are different.

  • Custom fit

    Velcro closures ensure that the suit fits snugly on every part of the body which ensures best treatment outcomes.

  • Option for motion

    A patented suit worn on the treadmill delivers results not obtainable by any other device.

  • Preset or manual modes

    Use the preset modes to begin treatment…then as your relationship with the client deepens, you can manually adjust pressure.

  • Individual chamber adjustment

    Unique individual sections of each suit allow for complete and total control.

  • Separate upper and lower bodysuits

    Separate suits plus a single arm model for localized edema.

  • Client data storage

    The client’s history can be saved and reviewed at future visits to refine treatment efficacy.


Watch the Lymphactive in action.